Summer Visitors

It is no news to any of you that this has been a really hot summer so far. Here in my Austin suburb our thermometer reads 100.6. I know it is even hotter in town. Any outdoor activities are pretty limited to evening and morning. No walking in the nearby greenbelt. I can’t even sit in the shade on my porch in the afternoon. We make sure we put out water for our little feathered friends and others. I am sharing a few photos of some visitors to our backyard. They are making my summer enjoyable.

The Cute

Squirrel Dining On Sunflower Head (June)

The Curious

Gnatcatcher Staring Me Down (July)

The Tiny

Hummingbird Resting In Bur Oak (July)

The Fierce

Hawk Resting And Scouting In Bur Oak (July)

The Show-Off

Anole Showing His “Money” (July)

*All photos taken by B. McCreary